Show #163 Movie Special Part 2- Electric Jabboloo

BFYTW has special guests Nashon and Jabbo from Scene in Fifteen by the Proper Rumpus Media Network.

Aaron host the Dream Team Augie and Stevie against the Proper Rumpus team.

We also get to listen to a new Voice Message from Colin 😀

Episode 163: Movie Special Part 2 – Electric Jabboloo

Game 1 – Getting Aaron-ed I’m going to list three possible direct-to-video sequels to prominent movies, all you have to do is tell me which one is fake – except, at least once during the round, none of them will be fake, which means you’re being Aaron-ed. Successfully identifying when you’re being Aaroned is worth two points, correctly identifying fake movies is worth one point. Each team will have their own set of five, after all ten questions, the team with the most points wins one episode point.

Game 2 – Pitch Me Baby One More Time For this week’s Pitch Me, last time we did a movie special, I asked players to pitch a movie sequel they wanted to see, this time I’m going to ask for something that might be a bit harder, I want you to pitch me a prequel to a movie that doesn’t have one. What movie out there has a backstory that needs to be explored, but hasn’t yet? All players will pitch a prequel, cast it, and explain the plot. Best pitch wins two episode points for their team.

Game 3 – 4 Out of 5 Dentists I’m going to ask five survey questions, such as ‘what percentage of Americans believe in ghosts’, and one team will guess the exact percentage out of 100. Their opponents will then decide whether they think the correct answer is higher or lower, if they’re correct, they win the survey, otherwise the original guessers win it. Then teams will swap roles and we’ll move onto the next survey. First team to win three surveys wins the game and earns three episode points.

Shoutouts to our Patrons Raspfairy, Mexi, Justin, Kristin, Flaose, Todd, Jim, Flaos, Bridget F., David M., Erin S, Donna/Colin Maggs, The GateLeapers

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