Show #213 Thane Audiobook Celebration

This week the BFYTW studio is graced with the pressence of two professional voice actors. Aaron hosts three games based around voice acting and his novel Thane between two teams. VO Artist David Autovino paired with Stevie, and Voice Actor Caroline Orejuela partnered with Augie.

Game 1 – Ask the Author 

In what I can only describe as a PROFOUND and unnecessary ego trip, I want our players to take turns asking me any question they want about Thane. I’ll answer every question as honestly as I can, my favorite question after two or three go-arounds (depending on time) will earn their team one episode point.

Game 2 – Voice Acting Challenge

I have a few short passages of the worst dialogue you’ve ever seen, and I’m going to have our non-voice actors, Stevie and Augie, give their best vocal performance in a style of my choosing. Their partner will have to coach them to improve their performance, and they’ll perform a second time. I’ll give their second performance a score of 1-5 points, and the team with the most points after two readings each will win the challenge and earn two episode points.

Game 3 – Thane, Zero Escape, or Something Else?

Thane takes a lot of inspiration from the visual novel/escape room simulator game series Zero Escape, but can you tell the difference? I’ve got ten lines here, and all you have to do is tell me whether they come from Thane, Zero Escape, or something else entirely. To confuse matters further, I wanted to have Seth MacFarlane read all of the lines as Peter Griffin from Family Guy, but Mr. MacFarlane is very busy, and also we couldn’t afford him. So instead I’ve asked Casey P. from Fiverr to do his best Peter Griffin impression as he reads the lines. The team who gets the most correct after all ten lines wins the game and gets three episode points.

Promos @BeerdAlPodcast and @fromthemidpod

Shoutouts to our Patrons; Mexi, Justin B, Kristin F ,Jeramey F ,Flaose, Todd, Jim, Flaos, Bridget F., David M., Dave A, Erin S, Donna/Colin Maggs,The GateLeapers, Kacey S., William M.

Free Followers on Patreon: Joáo C, Joep, Leonardo, Irsya Cahyo, Teanna Cm Lucho D.

Founding Members of @OddPodsMedia

Show Music by @KeroseneLetter and @Mexigun 

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