Show #219 Cost of a Broken Speed Run

The BFYTW Boys are back with some Classic BFYTW Games

Game 1 – Broken Headlines

 I’ve got three headlines with the pertinent words redacted out, all our players need to do is fill in the blanks. Funny answers get a point, but you can also get a point by being close enough to the correct headline. Most points after three headlines wins and gets one episode point.

Game 2 – The Cost is Correct

I’ve got three items that recently went up for auction, and our players will bid until they hear ‘final bids’ – once they place those bids, the player who is closest to the final auction or sale price without going over wins the listing. First player to win two listings wins the game and gets two episode points.

Game 3 – Speed Run

Lara Croft VS Claire Redfield – who would I rather have as a beta reader for my next novel?

Mushroom Kingdom VS Green Hill Zone – which would be a better place to take a Sunday drive?

Ezio Auditore (from Assassin’s Creed) VS Agent 47 (from Hitman) – who would I be more interested in building a computer for/themed around?

Angel (from Buffy) VS Snake (from Metal Gear) – who would I be more likely to have a heart-to-heart about my feelings with?

Sarah Michelle Gellar VS Alyson Hannigan – who would be more fun to design a game with?

Promos @fromthemidpod @BeerdAl

Shoutouts to our Patrons; Mexi, Justin B, Kristin F ,Jeramey F ,Flaose, Todd, Jim, Flaos, Bridget F., David M., Dave A, Erin S, Donna/Colin Maggs,The GateLeapers, Kacey S., William M.

Free Followers on Patreon: Joáo C, Joep, Leonardo, Irsya Cahyo, Teanna Cm Lucho D.

Founding Members of @OddPodsMedia

Show Music by @KeroseneLetter and @Mexigun 

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