Tag: Trivia

  • Show #140 The Costner Stick and Vowel Movements

    This week Aaron is back hosting three games for Augie and Stevie. Game 1 – Like Share Block Story 1 – Gimp Suit Man Trying to Improve Reputation of Gimps by becoming Bizarre Latex-Clad Tourist Attraction – https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:Jv9l_EpVAu8J:https://inews.co.uk/inews-lifestyle/gimp-man-essex-somerset-community-1975853&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us Story 2 – Man Jumps onto Trailer Truck, Starts Dancing, Slams into Bridge and Dies – https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/man-dancing-top-18-wheeler-knocked-killed-truck-drives-bridge-rcna57645…

  • Show #139 Vegas BFYTW

    The BFYTW boys are back from vacation and ready to chill out with everyone. After almost a week in Las Vegas, Aaron, Augie, and Stevie recap their journey and goof around. Shoutouts to our Patrons Raspfairy, Mexi, Justin, Kristin, Flaose, Todd, Jim, Flaos, 8-Bit, and Bridget F. Promos @BeerInFront @fromthemidpod Founding Members of @OddPodsMedia Show…

  • Show #138 Archive #81 The Ultra Hope List

    While the BFYTW crew is on Vacation, we have decided to hop into the Archive and bring back one of our favorite and insane gameshow episodes. This week’s episode is from Show #81 The Ultra Hope List We’ll be back next week with a new episode. The Ultra Hope Girls have faced the despair of…

  • Show #137 NFYTW 2

  • Show #134 NFYTW

    Welcome to our special No Fuck You This is Why episode!! This week Aaron hosts a new trivia game between contestants Andy, Karen, (of Defiant Monkey Improv) Sarah, and Stevie…while Augie controls the sounds and Game Board. Our host will present us with a Trivia Fact that the contestants much Buzz in, then speak the…

  • Show #106 Amanda Bynes is a Soup Nazi Double Agent Working for Russia

    Show #106 Amanda Bynes is a Soup Nazi Double Agent Working for Russia

    This week we are joined by fellow @OddPods Media members Jami and Shannon from @MarriedwTV. Aaron hosts three games as Shannon Joins Augie to take on Jami and Stevie. We also listen to voice messages from @drlecter1976 and @retoddl8r Game 1 – Pop Culture Fight Club This time, we’re looking for the Best TV Series…

  • Show #105 BFYTW Askew Games

    Show #105 BFYTW Askew Games

    This week we are joined by CJ and Rico from PodAskew, as they team up with Stevie and Augie for some classic BFYTW Games. Game 1 – Pop Culture Fight Club This time, we’re looking for the Best Villain Speech from a Movie. Each player from both teams will pick their favorite, whichever one I…

  • Show #102 Getting Back to Games

    Show #102 Getting Back to Games

    This week we are back to our classic games. Game 1 – Pop Culture Fight Club Best 1-on-1 climactic fight in a movie Our players will choose a movie with an intense one-on-one fight at the end and try to convince me that it’s the best – the player who wins will gain 1 episode…

  • Show #93 Penis Smelling Corpse Plant

    Show #93 Penis Smelling Corpse Plant

    This week we are back playing some of our favorite games. Aaron hosts Stevie and Augie through three classic BFYTW games. Game 1 – Like, Share, Block Story 1 – Con Artist Steals and Sells UK Priest’s Entire House – https://bbc.com/news/uk-england-essex-59069662 Story 2 – Catholic Church Tells Priests Not to Try to Exorcise the Coronavirus…

  • Show #91 Be Cool Pablo

    Show #91 Be Cool Pablo

    This Week’s Episode of Because Fuck You That’s Why is back to some fun games. Aaron hosts Augie and Stevie through three rounds of games to find out who is on top. Game 1 – Have I Got Bad News For You Story 1: Pablo Escobar’s Cocaine Hippos Legally People in the US – https://gizmodo.com/pablo-escobars-cocaine-hippos-are-legally-people-court-1847904417…