Tag: @octopusCaveman

  • Show #53 – “Hermetically Sealed Hippo Farts”

    Show #53 – “Hermetically Sealed Hippo Farts”

    This week we play a new set of games rightfully dubbed, Imaginary Conundrums. Aaron hosts Hor-Hay and Stevie through some fun choice games. Mentions of; The MR BS Show, Cassidee M., Super Jump Radio, Leviathan, Alternate Endings with Tracey and O/C, Raspfairy, and OddPods Media Network. Hosted by @PantslessAaron Co-hosts: @HH_Empire and @MidnightSmoke1 Founding Member…

  • Show #30 – “Voice Acting, Windows98, Doctors”

    Show #30 – “Voice Acting, Windows98, Doctors”

    [sc_embed_player fileurl=”http://bfytwpodcast.com/wp-content/uploads/audiofiles/ep_30_voice_acting_windows_98_doctors.mp3″] We are back in studio this week and didn’t prepare for a show. Instead Hor-Hay, Aaron, and Stevie sit around in the “rebuilt” temp studio and just bullshit for a bit. Shoutouts to @FacesAndAcesLV @OctopusCaveman @traceymixedbag @PodAskew @Reluctantbutter . All our Music Created by @KeroseneLetter