Tag: spreaker

  • Show #140 The Costner Stick and Vowel Movements

    This week Aaron is back hosting three games for Augie and Stevie. Game 1 – Like Share Block Story 1 – Gimp Suit Man Trying to Improve Reputation of Gimps by becoming Bizarre Latex-Clad Tourist Attraction – https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:Jv9l_EpVAu8J:https://inews.co.uk/inews-lifestyle/gimp-man-essex-somerset-community-1975853&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us Story 2 – Man Jumps onto Trailer Truck, Starts Dancing, Slams into Bridge and Dies – https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/man-dancing-top-18-wheeler-knocked-killed-truck-drives-bridge-rcna57645…

  • Show #87 2 Year Misty MooPoo

    Show #87 2 Year Misty MooPoo

    Holy Crap! It’s BFYTW’s 2 Year Anniversary Episode. You’re in for a treat as we didn’t plan for it at all. But to make up for it, Aaron will host us through some classic games after we have a small smoke session to celebrate. Episode 87 Game 1: Like Share Block Story 1 – Newest…

  • Show #79.5 The Lost Hope Boys

    Show #79.5 The Lost Hope Boys

    After having one of the best “The List” charity episodes with special guests; Madi, Meryn, and Caroline from @ultra_podcast…Aaron, Augie, and Stevie and some somber news. Sadly the ladies’ end of the show was not recorded and we couldn’t share this amazing episode with you all. Luckily, The Ultra Hope Girls agreed to be on…