Show #108 GoG Stream Team Jill Sandwich

This week the guys are joined by @Memoriesin8bit and @DafeAllen from the Stream Team.

Aaron hosts the two teams through three rounds for a final victory.

Game 1
Pop Culture Fight Club
With members of the GOGcom Stream Team here and this being a video-game-themed episode, it seemed only right to have a Pop Culture Fight Club where I am looking for the Best Video Game Villain. Each player on both teams will submit their choice for the Best Video Game Villain, whichever one I deem my favorite will win and earn 1 episode point for their team.

Game 2
Pitch Me Baby One More Time
Well, it had to happen eventually. My ego has FINALLY gotten the best of me, and I want a video game where I am the star – that’s right, each player of both teams is going to pitch me a game starring yours truly, whichever one I deem my favorite will win and earn their team 2 points.

Game 3
The Speed Run
Chris Pratt as Mario or Dennis Hopper as Bowser – which casting decision do I hate the most?
DanganronpaV3 or Headhunter – if I were stranded on a desert island, which game’s soundtrack would I rather have with me?
Claire Redfield from Resident Evil VS Zaeed from Mass Effect – who would I rather have as my bodyguard?
Balamb Garden from Final Fantasy 8 VS Grissom Academy from Mass Effect – where would I rather work as an IT guy?
Axel from Streets of Rage VS Crono from Chrono Trigger – who’s more fun at karaoke?

Shoutouts to our Patrons Colin, Donna, Raspfairy, and Mexi.

Promos @MarriedwTV and @big10plus4

Founding Members of @OddPodsMedia

Show Music by @KeroseneLetter

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