Category: The Show

  • Show #121 BFYTW Updates, Mail Bag, and Bastards

    Show #121 BFYTW Updates, Mail Bag, and Bastards

    Another week has passed, and the guys have some updates on what’s been going on with each of them. We get a surprise package in the mail. Then we get into some Voice Messages from Mexi and Colin. Finally we go Head-to-Head-to-Head in a 3-way battle of No More Bastards. Shoutouts to our Patrons Colin,…

  • Show #120 Hydrate Don’t Diedrate

    Show #120 Hydrate Don’t Diedrate

    This week the boys update us on what’s been up. Updates on the BFYTW Studio, Coco-Bombs, Quest 2, Pickaxe, and Hydrating. We also cover Voice Messages from our buddy Todd, and our composer Mexi, that takes us into Theme Songs before heading into some games. Game 1 Unfinished Headlines I’ll give you three stories with…

  • Show #119 West, Kardashian, Cawthron, and Elmo

    Show #119 West, Kardashian, Cawthron, and Elmo

    This week Aaron is back hosting Stevie and Augie through some awesome BFYTW Games. Game 1 – Unfinished Headlines I’ll give you three stories with the important words blanked out – you fill in the blanks and explain the stories, you’ll get a point if your headline/story are funny, and you also get a point…

  • Show #118 Crunchie Reverse Wording BFYTW

    Show #118 Crunchie Reverse Wording BFYTW

    We are continuing the Pantsless Aaron Birthday Celebration with another spectacular episode. This week we are joined by Crunchie from as he Hosts Aaron, Augie, and Stevie through some games. We play Finish the Headline, where players are given a headline with something missing. Each person has to fill in the “Blank” with either…

  • Show #117 Pantsless Birthday Take Over

    Show #117 Pantsless Birthday Take Over

    This week the boys celebrate Aaron’s Birthday! After a long stretch of projects, Aaron takes a backseat for hosting, as Augie and Stevie take over. We discuss accomplishments, Weight loss, Aaron’s Novel. Then go through a couple Voice Messages from Tally Man Todd, and Colin Maggs. Updates from Todd, with a mush lighter prospective than…

  • Show #116 Relax, Recap, and Retirement

    Show #116 Relax, Recap, and Retirement

    After an extremely taxing week, the boys need a break and wanna chat. We go over what we’ve all been up too. Go through a Voice Message from Tally Man Todd. Then we tur it all around, closing with Studio updates, D&D, Retirement, and the first Bonfire of the season at the Hor-Hay Memorial Firepit.…

  • Show #115 Good News, Pitch Me a Murder Mystery

    Show #115 Good News, Pitch Me a Murder Mystery

    Game 1 – Have I Got Good News For You Story 1 – Indian Man Gets High From Weed, Does the Logical Thing, Cuts Off Own Penis Story 2 – Parents Sue Apple After AirPods Caused Their Son to Have Permanent Hearing Loss Story 3 – Construction Workers Find Missing Woman’s Skeleton –…

  • Show #114 The Disorganized Monkies List

    Show #114 The Disorganized Monkies List

    This week BFYTW is joined by CJ of the Web Comic Disorganized Joy, and Andy & Karon from Defiant Monkey to play The List. Aaron hosts CJ, Karen, Andy, Augie, and Stevie through individual categories of the list and try to avoid the Black Hole. All that remain, or are saved, can go onto the…

  • Show #113 Colin’s Spotted Dick, Yes or No?

    Show #113 Colin’s Spotted Dick, Yes or No?

    After a last minute scheduling change, Aaron, Augie, and Stevie split the show up a bit. We have a chill session discussing: Sunflowers, NFYTW, BFYTW does the Chase, DND, and miniatures. Then we go over Voice messages and Emails from Colin Maggs, educating us on Spotted Dick. Talk about “A Thousand Heartbeats”, Also Fantasy Band…

  • Show #112 Oatmeal – Soggy?

    Show #112 Oatmeal – Soggy?

    This week the boys are back with a full set of games to play. Game 1 – Pop Culture Fight Club Our contestants need to prepare their best argument for a question about Pop Culture. For this episode, the question is – what is the best weapon in video games? The player with the best…