Show #120 Hydrate Don’t Diedrate

This week the boys update us on what’s been up. Updates on the BFYTW Studio, Coco-Bombs, Quest 2, Pickaxe, and Hydrating.

We also cover Voice Messages from our buddy Todd, and our composer Mexi, that takes us into Theme Songs before heading into some games.

Game 1 Unfinished Headlines
I’ll give you three stories with the important words blanked out – you fill in the blanks and explain the stories, you’ll get a point if your headline/story are funny, and you also get a point if you’re close to the ACTUAL story the headlines are based on

Game 2 Pitch Me
On July 1st, 1991, Terminator 2: Judgment Day premiered in theatres, and it is arguably one of the best sequels of all time. With that in mind, I would like you both to pitch me a sequel to a movie that doesn’t have one – AND, like T2, in the sequel, I want the villain from the first movie to be a hero this time around. Plot, casting, all is fair game. Best sequel where the villain from the first movie switches sides wins.

Game 3 The Rules of the Game

Shoutouts to our Patrons Colin, Donna, Raspfairy, Mexi, Justin, and Kristin.

Promos @big10plus4 and @InfectiousGroove

Founding Members of @OddPodsMedia

Show Music by @KeroseneLetter

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