Show #115 Good News, Pitch Me a Murder Mystery

Game 1 – Have I Got Good News For You
Story 1 – Indian Man Gets High From Weed, Does the Logical Thing, Cuts Off Own Penis

Story 2 – Parents Sue Apple After AirPods Caused Their Son to Have Permanent Hearing Loss

Story 3 – Construction Workers Find Missing Woman’s Skeleton – In Her Own Apartment

Game 2 – Pitch Me Baby One More Time
The movie Alien 3 turned 30 years old recently, as it was released on May 22, 1992 – it is a solid conclusion (sort of) for Ripley and was a very successful third movie after two all-time classics, and I want you both to pitch me another third something – pick a movie, game, or book series with only two entries, or a television series with only two seasons, and I want you pitch me a complete story, who would play which parts, and the best pitch wins.

Game 3 – The Rules of the Game

Shoutouts to our Patrons Colin, Donna, Raspfairy, Mexi, and Justin.

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