Show #32 – “Goat Paternity, Shawshank Redemption, Beetlejuice”

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Welcome to a new Because Fuck You That’s Why! This week the guys play “Have I Got Bad News For You”, “Pitch Me Baby One More Time”, and have a very fun “Speed Run”.

Stevie pays tribute to a fallen OG #SmodSquad member, Scott Holden @ThatManOnFatman & @ThatManBeyond. Scott and Smoke became friends through Kevin Smith, and podcasted a few times in the past. You can hear Scott on some of the first Edumacation Episodes and some of The MR BS Show episodes that are available again on SoundCloud.

Commercials Featuring: @ShanaFeeley and In The Weeds WBR @SoberChefBen

All our Music Created by @KeroseneLetter