BFYTW Gaming High-Lights #1 An overly edited Mr. Manhattan mushroom cloud

Stevie and Augie play some Call of Duty: Cold War Zombies Outbreak (mouthful) while High… {So bit of a rough start, but when your files accidently get deleted and all that is left are the poor quality scraps, you don’t do what I did and say “Fuck it, ill edit it till its funny” – Augie} Hello and Welcome to the BFYTWPodcast Youtube Channel Here we will be posting content outside our normal show, edited and posted by our youngest member: Augie The kind of content you should be looking forward to includes but not limited to: BFYTW Gaming High-Lights – An overly edited clip show of brief conversations and shenanigans by members of our podcast and friends, while playing various games, while also VERY HIGH BFYTW Archives – Reuploads of our podcast starting from our earliest possible episodes And more!

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